Chapter 1
Vocabulary: Piseog, nigromancer
Brief Summary
Four boys telling the story of Uther and Igrain. They think Merlyn is evil, Queen Morgause practices minor magic (boils black cat). Her 4 sons hate all Pendragon’s including Arthur.
Chapter 2
Brief Summary
Merlyn and Arthur talk about the battle and Merlyn makes Arthur realize how messed up some parts of chivalry are. “Might is Right”, Arthur realizes is not a good way of thinking.
Chapter 3
Brief Summary
Kay is very interested in learning more about Queen Morgause and her life and asks Merlyn several questions about her, Arthur instead asks Merlyn about races and Merlyn explains the differences between races and why some of them hate each other, because of the Normans conquered the “old ones” they are going to rebel.
Chapter 4
Brief Summary
Merlyn, Kay, and Arthur are debating when it is right or wrong to start a war and who the aggressor is in different situations. Arthur asks Merlyn to tell him all about King Lot of Orkney. Merlyn talks about how some noblemen fight for fun while others fight for real reasons such as race.
Chapter 5
Brief Summary
The four boys are at Mother Morlan’s house hearing a story from St. Toirdealbhach. The boys like fighting and wars and stuff of that sort. St. Toirdealbhach does not so he kicks the boys out. The boys find two donkeys and beat them on the purpose of hurting them which they do not achieve and then they see a magical barge with three knights in it. The knights were King Pellinore, Sir Grummore, and Sir Palomides. When the knights arrive all the townspeople of Orkney gather around them and stare at them.
Chapter 6
Brief Summary
Everything is being prepared for battle; Arthur summons Merlyn, Kay and Sir Ector to talk about changing chivalry. Arthur is determined to change the common belief that “Might is Right” and channel all the might to DO right.
Chapter 7
Brief Summary
King Pellinore is in love with the princess of Flanders, Queen Morgause sends the knights to hunt a unicorn and she volunteers to be the virgin bait. The boys decide to also hunt a unicorn so they use a kitchen maid as their bait but it was against her will. They decide to not kill the unicorn, just to lead it back home to their mother but when the unicorn arrives they are all stunned by its beauty and elegance and Agravaine kills it. The only one of the boys who cries is Gareth. After attempting to butcher the unicorn, the boys decide to cut off its head to take to their mother. Since they are too small to carry it they end up dragging it and ruining it. When they reach home they try to show her but she doesn’t pay attention to them and when she finally does notice she has them whipped because she had spent all day trying to catch one and was unsuccessful.
Chapter 8
Brief Summary
Description of the tents in which the knights stay during times of war. Arthur, Kay, Merlyn and Sir Ector discuss having a round table for their new chivalry knights. Merlyn reveals to Arthur that he is going to marry Guenever, daughter of King Leodragance. Kay and Arthur plan an annual feast for their future Knights of the Round Table, and Kay and Merlyn fight about whether or not it is ok to start a war even if it’s for a good reason.
Chapter 9
Vocabulary: Joculator, ogham
Brief Summary
Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides decide to dress up as the Questing Beast to cheer up King Pellinore. The Queen decides to hate the knights and love her boys which she did not pay attention to before. Description of the old ones castle.
Chapter 10
Brief Summary
Merlyn has something to tell Arthur but he does not remember what it is, he tells Arthur a story about how you cannot run away from destiny and also tells him that in the future they will be back and what will be written on Arthur’s tombstone.
Chapter 11
Brief Summary
King Pellinore goes for a walk and finds Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides on a cliff with the Questing Beast behind them. They tell King Pellinore that the beast has fallen in love with them. Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides want King Pellinore to go up there and finally kill the Questing Beast but King Pellinore refuses. King Pellinore holds onto the Questing Beasts tail and Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides make a run for it, the Questing Beast bites King Pellinore because she wants to go after her love and she gets away from him, she follows them to the castle but the drawbridge is risen before she can get in. King Pellinore is then found by his love, Piggy and they decide to get married as soon as they get back home, St. Toirdealbhach and Mother Morlan are going to also get married. Finally after their long stay in Orkney, the three knights are finally accepted.
Chapter 12
Brief Summary
The battle is to begin; Arthur takes it seriously unlike King Lot who is just doing it to get ransoms from captured knights and for the fun of killing serfs. Arthur thinks about how he should attack and decides that since he is clearly out numbered 3 to 1, that he should attack at night when no one is expecting it, also he is concentrating on getting the leaders instead of just the serfs and knights. King Lot thinks he can out smart Arthur and he tries to split the army so one half can rest while the other fights but what he does not realize is that Arthur had the French Kings Ban and Bors in the forest waiting for King Lot. King Lot is ambushed. Arthur wins.
Chapter 13
Brief Summary
King Pellinore is going back home to marry Piggy, the Questing Beast is still besieging the castle when Merlyn appears and sees what is happening, Sir Grummore and Sir Palomides tell Merlyn what is happening and Merlyn tells them to talk to the Questing Beast and tell her of the mistake, that does not work so Merlyn suggests that they psycho-analyze her, they do their best and she understands, she stops besieging the castle and falls in love with Sir Palomides. Merlyn continues on his Northern Walking Tour. Queen Morgause is going to go to Carlion with her boys to King Pellinore and Piggy’s wedding but the only reason that she wants to go is so she can see Arthur and make him fall in love with her by magic.
Chapter 14
Brief Summary
Sir Grummore, Sir Palomides, Queen Morgause, her sons, King Pellinore, Piggy, St. Toirdealbhach, Mother Morlan, the Questing Beast and several others are going to Carlion for the double wedding (King Pellinore and Piggy, St. Toirdealbhach and Mother Morlan), all of the old ones wave to them goodbye as they leave Orkney. Description of Carlion and the wedding, Merlyn remembers that what he wanted to tell Arthur was the name of his mother, Igraine. Queen Morgause and Arthur are half brothers but do not know it. Queen Morgause casts a spell on Arthur causing him to fall in love with her and they have a baby boy named Mordred.
~*~ Thoughts ~*~
1. In the beginning Morgause does not pay attention to her sons whatsoever but later on she changes her mind and starts loving her sons.
2. Arthur’s vision for the Round Table Knights is based on how he wants to change chivalry so that is actually helps people instead of empowering knights. These Knights of the Round Table are to be more humane and kind than the knights that base their thoughts on ‘Might is Right’.
3.King Pellinore is now in love and to be married to Piggy which causes him to hand over the Questing Beast to Sir Palomides, whom the Questing Beast is in love with.
4.I have noticed that Gareth is more sensitive than the others, Agravaine is a smart mouth and very attached to his mother, Gawaine is very proud of his family, and Gaheris is not mentioned very much so I cannot decipher his character.
5. The Spancel, in my opinion, is acquired in a very disturbing way although as a tool it is very useful for Queen Morgause’s plans.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Sword in the Stone
We are introduced to Kay, Sir Ector, and Wart. Wart is not Sir Ector’s son like Kay is and it is constantly rubbed in his face by Kay. Kay and Wart need a tutor. After hay-making, Wart and Kay decide to go hawking
So Far I like the authors writing style and how he describes everything in so much detail. He also compares scenes in the book to modern day events that the reader can relate to.
Cully, the goshawk, is sitting in a tree because he does not want to hunt. Kay gets irritated and leaves Wart and Cully in the woods. Cully leads Wart deeper into the woods. Wart almost gets killed by an arrow so he hides but soon loses his way and gets lost. Wart wanders around, arrives in a clearing and meets with a knight. The knight turns out to be King Pellinore searching for the Questing Beast.
Vocabulary: Corkindrill
Wart falls asleep in the woods and awakens at 9 am because he is hungry. He hears a noise so he follows it and finds a cottage with an old gentleman getting water from the well. The old gentleman was Merlyn the magician. Merlyn’s cottage is filled with all kinds of odd things that were not yet discovered then (ex. guns). Wart meets Archimedes the talking owl. Wart then has breakfast with Merlyn and asks him to be his tutor. Merlyn accepts.
Vocabulary: Stoat
Wart takes Merlyn home with him and Merlyn proves he is a magician to Kay and Sir Ector (makes it snow, mulberry tree, testimonials, knife). Sir Ector decides to let Merlyn be their tutor.
Description of defense system, castle still there, dog training. Wart loves his dog (licks nose) and Merlyn begins Warts education. Merlyn takes Wart to the moat and asks Neptune to turn them both into fishes. Merlyn heals a Roach fish. Merlyn then takes Wart to go see the King of the Moat. The king tells Wart all about power.
1st lesson learned
Power can corrupt you.
Archery, Merlyn falls asleep, Kay and Wart go hunt rabbits. Kay gets a rabbit, when saluting the death of the rabbit; a crow snatches the arrow out of the air.
Vocabulary: Quintain, Saracen
Tilting, Merlyn is against athletics because they interfere with learning. King Pellinore jousting in the forest against Sir Grummore Grummursum, after the joust they become best friends and King Pellinore moves in with Sir Grummore Grummursum.
2nd lesson learned
Violence is not the answer
Wart wants to be a hawk but Merlyn says that he first needs to learn to be a human being. Merlyn then turns him into a Merlin and sends him into the mews; Wart is admitted into their club but must pass an ordeal. The ordeal is to sit next to Colonel Cully (he is insane) and sit there for 3 rings of their bells. Wart survives. He is then proclaimed King of Merlin’s.
3rd lesson learned
You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
Kay and Wart get into a fight, a storm begins. Wart thinks it is unfair that Merlyn turns him into animals but not Kay. Merlyn tells Wart the story of Elijah and the Rabbi Jachanan. Merlyn can not do magic on Kay so in return he sends Kay and Wart on an adventure to atone for the previous unfair treatment.
Kay and Wart go out on their adventure and find a madman, then a giant also known as “Little John”. Little John takes them to Robin Wood (who people often refer to as Robin Hood). Robin asks them to go with him to fight Morgan le Fay. Apparently a fairy captured Wat, Dog Boy, and Tuck. To save them, they must go into Morgan’s castle and free them.
Wart and Kay travel with Robin Wood’s gang to the castle and learn how to move silently (thanks to Maid Marian) through the woods. When they arrive they see a Griffin and a castle made of food. They enter and find Morgan le Fay and she releases the prisoners and the castle disappears.
The Griffin attacks Wart but Kay kills it in midair. As a reward Kay gets the Griffins head, Wart asks for Wat (so Merlyn can make him sane and give him a nose). Kay, Wart, Wat, Dog Boy, and a few of Robin’s friends (to guide them) go home. Back home Merlyn sews a new nose on Wat and psycho analyzed him so now he is sane again and working in the kennel with the Dog Boy who also got a nose. Both Dog Boy and Wat decide that they are accustomed to not having noses so they rip them off.
Vocabulary: Belligerent
Merlyn turns Wart into an ant while he is supposed to be resting. Wart drones around like the rest of the ants and realizes how horrible it is to be an ant (they do not have emotions and do not think)
4th lesson learned
Do not let others think for you, think for your self.
King Uther Pendragon sends a hunting group lead by William Twyti to hunt in the forest and stay in Sir Ectors castle. Sir Ector is not pleased by this self invitation made by the king so he thinks of all the possible scenarios if Twyti comes (unicorns, questing beast, dragons, griffins, ect.). These thoughts soon cheer him up.
There is a very detailed description of the seasons in Old England. For Christmas, Sir Ector organizes a huge feast for all villagers, knights, workers, servants to attend. Everyone is welcomed.
Master William Twyti has a fascination with rabbits, description of how dull Twyti life is (all about hunting) hunting boars, King Pellinore finds the Questing Beast dying. Pellinore is so upset that he resolves to help the beast back to health and continue his old life of hunting it.
Bearskin rug as a blanket? What do all of the hunting sayings “swef swef tally-ho” mean?
Birds have a language, Rooks have laws, and the bird language of birds is based on imitations of sounds.
I love the way Archimedes describes Pigeons. What kind of bird is a Rook?
Merlyn sends Archimedes to Wart room with a magical dead mouse and tells him to eat it, Wart then turns into an owl. While flying around, Wart notices that everything in a bird’s point of view is different than the human point of view that he is used to. Wart then turns into a goose. He learns that geese have no boundaries and that they consider it preposterous to kill one of their own species as humans do.
5th lesson learned
Everyone should be treated with kindness.
Vocabulary: Liefer
Wart learns many things from his friend Lyo-lyok (goose) and he grows fond of her. Wart migrates with them across the North Sea and hears their songs. Along the way they reach a lonely island where only birds live. When they finally reach their destination, Wart wakes up because Kay is complaining about Warts snores.
I absolutely love the description of flying through a cloud.
6th lesson learned
You can accomplish the unthinkable, if you put your mind to it.
Vocabulary: Sciatica
6 years go by and Kay is going to be knighted and Wart will be his squire. They drift apart because Kay lets his “knighthood” get to his head. Merlyn explains to Wart what happens at a knighting ceremony and Wart tells Merlyn that he would pray to encounter all evil and defeat it and if he were to lose, then he would be conquered alone.
Vocabulary: Canary
Wart is very upset because he wants to become a knight not a squire. Sir Ector tells him to drink a glass of Canary and go see Merlyn. Merlyn tells Wart that the only thing you can rely on when all else fails is learning. Before going onto the next lesson, Merlyn informs Wart that it will be the last lesson that he will have and that Merlyn will no longer be his tutor. Merlyn turns Wart into a badger and sends him to go speak with his friend Mr. Badger. Instead of following his directions, Wart decides to wander about and do whatever he feels like because it is his last lesson and so he deserves to have some fun. He finds a hedgehog and threatens to eat it. The poor little hedgehog sings to Wart so that he will have mercy for him and his wife and children. After singing the same songs several times Wart talks to the hedgehog and discovers that the hedgehog was once Merlyn’s pet and that it was a baby when Wart went to Merlyn’s cottage and he had actually seen him. Wart leaves the hedgehog alone and returns to Mr. Badger’s den. Mr. Badger reads Wart an essay that he had written on why Man is the King of Animals. He once again hears about how disturbing it is that Humans are one of seven species that attack their own kind.
King Uther Pendragon dies. King Pellinore tells Sir Ector, Kay, and Sir Grummore that there is no heirs but that there is a stone in an anvil on a stone that if you pull it out than you are the true King of England. Merlyn is leaving permanently and they all say their goodbyes, Wart is crushed.
They travel to London and Sir Kay enters a tournament but discovers that he has forgotten his sword so he sends Wart his squire to get it from the inn. The inn was locked and there wasn’t anyone around there so Wart frantically starts searching for a sword to give to Kay. He sees a sword in a churchyard that is stuck in an anvil and a stone (he does not know about the meaning of the sword) and he gets the sword. While he was getting the sword he felt like he was surrounded by his friends including Merlyn and they were all giving him advice on how to get the sword out. When he gets it out he notices that he feels differently when holding it. He gives Kay the sword and Kay asks him where he go it, Wart tells him and Kay goes to his father and tells him where the sword came from only that he told his father that he was the one that pulled the sword out of the stone. Sir Ector, Kay, and Wart go back to the churchyard and put the sword back in the stone. Kay confesses that he lied and that Wart was the one who pulled it out. Sir Ector tells him to do it again and Wart pulls the sword out like nothing. Sir Ector ands Kay try but they do not succeed. So they kneel before Wart and Wart starts crying and begs them to stand back up.
Description of who sent Wart what for his coronation gift and Merlyn comes to him. Wart, or should I say, King Arthur, asks Merlyn if he is going to stay with him and Merlyn says that he is going to stay there with him for a long time.
We are introduced to Kay, Sir Ector, and Wart. Wart is not Sir Ector’s son like Kay is and it is constantly rubbed in his face by Kay. Kay and Wart need a tutor. After hay-making, Wart and Kay decide to go hawking
So Far I like the authors writing style and how he describes everything in so much detail. He also compares scenes in the book to modern day events that the reader can relate to.
Cully, the goshawk, is sitting in a tree because he does not want to hunt. Kay gets irritated and leaves Wart and Cully in the woods. Cully leads Wart deeper into the woods. Wart almost gets killed by an arrow so he hides but soon loses his way and gets lost. Wart wanders around, arrives in a clearing and meets with a knight. The knight turns out to be King Pellinore searching for the Questing Beast.
Vocabulary: Corkindrill
Wart falls asleep in the woods and awakens at 9 am because he is hungry. He hears a noise so he follows it and finds a cottage with an old gentleman getting water from the well. The old gentleman was Merlyn the magician. Merlyn’s cottage is filled with all kinds of odd things that were not yet discovered then (ex. guns). Wart meets Archimedes the talking owl. Wart then has breakfast with Merlyn and asks him to be his tutor. Merlyn accepts.
Vocabulary: Stoat
Wart takes Merlyn home with him and Merlyn proves he is a magician to Kay and Sir Ector (makes it snow, mulberry tree, testimonials, knife). Sir Ector decides to let Merlyn be their tutor.
Description of defense system, castle still there, dog training. Wart loves his dog (licks nose) and Merlyn begins Warts education. Merlyn takes Wart to the moat and asks Neptune to turn them both into fishes. Merlyn heals a Roach fish. Merlyn then takes Wart to go see the King of the Moat. The king tells Wart all about power.
1st lesson learned
Power can corrupt you.
Archery, Merlyn falls asleep, Kay and Wart go hunt rabbits. Kay gets a rabbit, when saluting the death of the rabbit; a crow snatches the arrow out of the air.
Vocabulary: Quintain, Saracen
Tilting, Merlyn is against athletics because they interfere with learning. King Pellinore jousting in the forest against Sir Grummore Grummursum, after the joust they become best friends and King Pellinore moves in with Sir Grummore Grummursum.
2nd lesson learned
Violence is not the answer
Wart wants to be a hawk but Merlyn says that he first needs to learn to be a human being. Merlyn then turns him into a Merlin and sends him into the mews; Wart is admitted into their club but must pass an ordeal. The ordeal is to sit next to Colonel Cully (he is insane) and sit there for 3 rings of their bells. Wart survives. He is then proclaimed King of Merlin’s.
3rd lesson learned
You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
Kay and Wart get into a fight, a storm begins. Wart thinks it is unfair that Merlyn turns him into animals but not Kay. Merlyn tells Wart the story of Elijah and the Rabbi Jachanan. Merlyn can not do magic on Kay so in return he sends Kay and Wart on an adventure to atone for the previous unfair treatment.
Kay and Wart go out on their adventure and find a madman, then a giant also known as “Little John”. Little John takes them to Robin Wood (who people often refer to as Robin Hood). Robin asks them to go with him to fight Morgan le Fay. Apparently a fairy captured Wat, Dog Boy, and Tuck. To save them, they must go into Morgan’s castle and free them.
Wart and Kay travel with Robin Wood’s gang to the castle and learn how to move silently (thanks to Maid Marian) through the woods. When they arrive they see a Griffin and a castle made of food. They enter and find Morgan le Fay and she releases the prisoners and the castle disappears.
The Griffin attacks Wart but Kay kills it in midair. As a reward Kay gets the Griffins head, Wart asks for Wat (so Merlyn can make him sane and give him a nose). Kay, Wart, Wat, Dog Boy, and a few of Robin’s friends (to guide them) go home. Back home Merlyn sews a new nose on Wat and psycho analyzed him so now he is sane again and working in the kennel with the Dog Boy who also got a nose. Both Dog Boy and Wat decide that they are accustomed to not having noses so they rip them off.
Vocabulary: Belligerent
Merlyn turns Wart into an ant while he is supposed to be resting. Wart drones around like the rest of the ants and realizes how horrible it is to be an ant (they do not have emotions and do not think)
4th lesson learned
Do not let others think for you, think for your self.
King Uther Pendragon sends a hunting group lead by William Twyti to hunt in the forest and stay in Sir Ectors castle. Sir Ector is not pleased by this self invitation made by the king so he thinks of all the possible scenarios if Twyti comes (unicorns, questing beast, dragons, griffins, ect.). These thoughts soon cheer him up.
There is a very detailed description of the seasons in Old England. For Christmas, Sir Ector organizes a huge feast for all villagers, knights, workers, servants to attend. Everyone is welcomed.
Master William Twyti has a fascination with rabbits, description of how dull Twyti life is (all about hunting) hunting boars, King Pellinore finds the Questing Beast dying. Pellinore is so upset that he resolves to help the beast back to health and continue his old life of hunting it.
Bearskin rug as a blanket? What do all of the hunting sayings “swef swef tally-ho” mean?
Birds have a language, Rooks have laws, and the bird language of birds is based on imitations of sounds.
I love the way Archimedes describes Pigeons. What kind of bird is a Rook?
Merlyn sends Archimedes to Wart room with a magical dead mouse and tells him to eat it, Wart then turns into an owl. While flying around, Wart notices that everything in a bird’s point of view is different than the human point of view that he is used to. Wart then turns into a goose. He learns that geese have no boundaries and that they consider it preposterous to kill one of their own species as humans do.
5th lesson learned
Everyone should be treated with kindness.
Vocabulary: Liefer
Wart learns many things from his friend Lyo-lyok (goose) and he grows fond of her. Wart migrates with them across the North Sea and hears their songs. Along the way they reach a lonely island where only birds live. When they finally reach their destination, Wart wakes up because Kay is complaining about Warts snores.
I absolutely love the description of flying through a cloud.
6th lesson learned
You can accomplish the unthinkable, if you put your mind to it.
Vocabulary: Sciatica
6 years go by and Kay is going to be knighted and Wart will be his squire. They drift apart because Kay lets his “knighthood” get to his head. Merlyn explains to Wart what happens at a knighting ceremony and Wart tells Merlyn that he would pray to encounter all evil and defeat it and if he were to lose, then he would be conquered alone.
Vocabulary: Canary
Wart is very upset because he wants to become a knight not a squire. Sir Ector tells him to drink a glass of Canary and go see Merlyn. Merlyn tells Wart that the only thing you can rely on when all else fails is learning. Before going onto the next lesson, Merlyn informs Wart that it will be the last lesson that he will have and that Merlyn will no longer be his tutor. Merlyn turns Wart into a badger and sends him to go speak with his friend Mr. Badger. Instead of following his directions, Wart decides to wander about and do whatever he feels like because it is his last lesson and so he deserves to have some fun. He finds a hedgehog and threatens to eat it. The poor little hedgehog sings to Wart so that he will have mercy for him and his wife and children. After singing the same songs several times Wart talks to the hedgehog and discovers that the hedgehog was once Merlyn’s pet and that it was a baby when Wart went to Merlyn’s cottage and he had actually seen him. Wart leaves the hedgehog alone and returns to Mr. Badger’s den. Mr. Badger reads Wart an essay that he had written on why Man is the King of Animals. He once again hears about how disturbing it is that Humans are one of seven species that attack their own kind.
King Uther Pendragon dies. King Pellinore tells Sir Ector, Kay, and Sir Grummore that there is no heirs but that there is a stone in an anvil on a stone that if you pull it out than you are the true King of England. Merlyn is leaving permanently and they all say their goodbyes, Wart is crushed.
They travel to London and Sir Kay enters a tournament but discovers that he has forgotten his sword so he sends Wart his squire to get it from the inn. The inn was locked and there wasn’t anyone around there so Wart frantically starts searching for a sword to give to Kay. He sees a sword in a churchyard that is stuck in an anvil and a stone (he does not know about the meaning of the sword) and he gets the sword. While he was getting the sword he felt like he was surrounded by his friends including Merlyn and they were all giving him advice on how to get the sword out. When he gets it out he notices that he feels differently when holding it. He gives Kay the sword and Kay asks him where he go it, Wart tells him and Kay goes to his father and tells him where the sword came from only that he told his father that he was the one that pulled the sword out of the stone. Sir Ector, Kay, and Wart go back to the churchyard and put the sword back in the stone. Kay confesses that he lied and that Wart was the one who pulled it out. Sir Ector tells him to do it again and Wart pulls the sword out like nothing. Sir Ector ands Kay try but they do not succeed. So they kneel before Wart and Wart starts crying and begs them to stand back up.
Description of who sent Wart what for his coronation gift and Merlyn comes to him. Wart, or should I say, King Arthur, asks Merlyn if he is going to stay with him and Merlyn says that he is going to stay there with him for a long time.
~Further Comments~
I think that my favorite lesson is the joust between King Pellinore and Sir Grummore, but I think that the lesson that Wart learned in his adventure in the ants nest will probably help him a lot as a king. My thoughts on Kay are that he is a little bit ’high and mighty' and lets things get to his head too easily but deep down I think he is a good guy. Arthur I think is very kind, a little stubborn, and he loves to learn (especially with Merlyn) so he is intelligent. When in the beginning of the book they describe Merlyn’s cottage you see that he himself is an anachronism and by the way he acts I think it shows too. I think that King Pellinore and his Questing Beast are a really sweet touch to the book, especially when you see how much King Pellinore truly cares about it. I think that Arthur cries because he does not think that he is ready for such a responsibility, but in reality he is.
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